Package 'linbin'

Title: Binning and Plotting of Linearly Referenced Data
Description: Short for 'linear binning', the linbin package provides functions for manipulating, binning, and plotting linearly referenced data. Although developed for data collected on river networks, it can be used with any interval or point data referenced to a 1-dimensional coordinate system. Flexible bin generation and batch processing makes it easy to compute and visualize variables at multiple scales, useful for identifying patterns within and between variables and investigating the influence of scale of observation on data interpretation.
Authors: Ethan Z. Welty [aut, cre], Christian E. Torgersen [ctb] (author support and guidance), Samuel J. Brenkman [ctb] (elwha and quinault datasets), Jeffrey J. Duda [ctb] (elwha dataset), Jonathan B. Armstrong [ctb] (fishmotion dataset)
Maintainer: Ethan Z. Welty <[email protected]>
License: AGPL-3
Built: 2025-02-17 04:45:18 UTC

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Coerce to an Event Table


Attempts to coerce an object to an event table.


as_events(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
as_events(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
as_events(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Date'
as_events(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'matrix'
as_events(x, from.col = 1, to.col = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
as_events(x, from.col = 1, to.col = NULL, ...)



Object to be coerced to an event table.


Additional arguments passed to or used by methods.

from.col, to.col

Names or indices of the columns in x containing the event endpoints. Values are swapped as needed to ensure that to > or = from on all rows. If NULL, to.col defaults to from.col + 1 (if column exists) or from.col.

Methods (by class)

  • numeric: Expands a numeric vector into two columns of event endpoints.

  • POSIXt: Coerces to numeric before dispatching.

  • Date: Coerces to numeric before dispatching.

  • matrix: Converts the matrix to a data frame, then calls the data.frame method.

  • data.frame: Renames from.col and to.col to "from" and "to" as needed. Since these column names must be unique, other columns cannot also be called "from" or "to".

See Also

events for creating event tables and read_events for reading files as event tables.


as_events(cbind(1:5, 1:5), 1, 2)
as_events(data.frame(x = 1, start = 1:5, stop = 1:5), "start", "stop")

Crop Events


Crops events to the specified intervals. Events are cut at interval endpoints and any whole or partial events lying outside the intervals are removed.


crop_events(e, crops, scaled.cols = NULL)



An event table.


An event table specifying the intervals for cropping. Point intervals are allowed, and will create new point events where they intersect the interior, but not the endpoints, of line events.


Names or indices of the columns of the event table to be rescaled after cutting (see cut_events). Names are interpreted as regular expressions (regex) matching full column names.

See Also

cut_events for only cutting events.


e <- events(c(0, 10, 20), c(10, 20, 30), x = 10)
crop_events(e, events(c(0, 15)))
crop_events(e, events(c(0, 5, 15)))
crop_events(e, events(c(0, 5, 15)), scaled.cols = "x")
crop_events(e, events(c(0, 5, 5, 15)), scaled.cols = "x")   # creates new points inside lines
crop_events(e, events(c(0, 10, 10, 15)), scaled.cols = "x") # but not at line event endpoints

Cut Events


Cuts events at the specified locations.


cut_events(e, cuts, scaled.cols = NULL)



an event table.


the cut locations. Can be either a numeric vector or an event table. If an event table that contains points, point events will be created where they intersect the interior, but not the endpoints, of line events in e.


names or indices of the event table columns to be scaled to their new length after cutting. Names are interpreted as regular expressions (regex) matching full column names.


Line events straddling cut locations are cut into multiple event segments. Columns scaled.cols are scaled by the fraction of the original event length in each resulting event (which assumes that these variables were uniformly distributed over the original interval). To have a record of the parents of the resulting event segments, append an unique identification field to the event table before calling this function.

See Also

crop_events for both cutting and removing events.


e <- events(c(0, 10, 20), c(10, 20, 30), x = 10)
cut_events(e, events(c(0, 5, 15)))
cut_events(e, events(c(0, 5, 15)), scaled.cols = "x")
cut_events(e, events(c(0, 5, 5, 15)), scaled.cols = "x")   # creates new points inside lines
cut_events(e, events(c(0, 10, 10, 15)), scaled.cols = "x") # but not at line event endpoints

Elwha River Survey


An event table containing the results of a survey of the Elwha River (Washington, USA) carried out in August-September 2008. Both physical variables and fish counts were collected.


A data frame with 249 rows and 33 variables.


  • from, to - distance upstream from the river mouth [km]

  • unit.length - unit length [m]

  • unit.type - unit type (P = pool, GP = glide-like pool, G = glide, GR = glide-like riffle, R = riffle)

  • channel.type - channel type (1 = main, 2 = secondary)

  • mean.depth - mean depth [m]

  • max.depth - max depth [m]

  • mean.width - mean wetted width [m]

  • bedrock - bedrock substrate [%]

  • boulder - boulder substrate [%]

  • cobble - cobble substrate [%]

  • gravel - gravel substrate [%]

  • sand - sand substrate [%]

  • silt - silt substrate [%]

  • overhang.cover - channel banks with overhanging vegetation [%]

  • boulder.cover - channel area covered by boulders [%]

  • jams - number of log jams

  • jam.area - total area of log jams [m^2]

  • SACO.10/20/30/40/total - number of Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) sized 10 - 20 cm / 20 - 30 cm / 30 - 40 cm / > 40 cm / total, respectively.

  • ONXX.10/20/30/40/total - number of trout (Oncorhynchus sp.) sized 10 - 20 cm / 20 - 30 cm / 30 - 40 cm / > 40 cm / total, respectively.

  • SAFO - number of Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)

  • ONTS - number of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)

  • ONNE - number of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)

  • LATR - number of Pacific Lamprey (Lampetra tridentata)

  • ONKI - number of Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)


Brenkman, S. J., J. J. Duda, C. E. Torgersen, E. Z. Welty, G. R. Pess, R. Peters, and M. L. McHenry. 2012. A riverscape perspective of Pacific salmonids and aquatic habitats prior to large-scale dam removal in the Elwha River, Washington, USA. Fisheries Management and Ecology 19:36-53. DOI: doi:10.1111/j.1365-2400.2011.00815.x

Event Coverage


Returns the intervals over which the number of events is always one or greater.


event_coverage(e, closed = TRUE)



An event table.


Logical value indicating whether events should be interpreted as closed intervals. If TRUE, coverage is continuous at breaks between two adjacent events.


If closed = TRUE, breaks between adjacent events are dropped. If closed = FALSE, breaks between adjacent events are retained, including point events on line event endpoints. Duplicate points are dropped in both cases.

See Also

event_gaps for gaps (the inverse of coverage), event_range for range (coverage with gaps ignored).


e <- events(c(1, 2, 4, 8), c(3, 4, 5, 10))
event_coverage(e, closed = TRUE)  # retains breaks
event_coverage(e, closed = FALSE) # drops breaks
e <- events(c(0, 2, 2, 2, 8, 10), c(0, 2, 2, 6, 10, 10))
event_coverage(e, closed = TRUE)  # retains isolated points
event_coverage(e, closed = FALSE) # retains isolated points and points adjacent to lines

Event Gaps


Returns the intervals over which there are no events.


event_gaps(e, closed = TRUE, range = NULL)



An event table.


Logical value indicating whether events should be interpreted as closed intervals. If TRUE, no gaps are returned at breaks between two adjacent events.


An event table specifying, by its event_range, the interval within which to check for gaps. If NULL, the range of e is used.

See Also

event_coverage for coverage (the inverse of gaps), fill_event_gaps for filling gaps with empty events.


event_gaps(events(c(1, 3, 5), c(2, 4, 5)))    # gaps between events
event_gaps(events(1:5))                       # no gaps
event_gaps(events(1:5), closed = FALSE)       # gaps at breaks
event_gaps(events(1:5), range = events(0, 6)) # gaps to edge of range

Event midpoints


Event midpoints





Event table.


e <- events(c(0, 10, 15, 25, 30), c(10, 20, 25, 40, 30))

Event Overlaps


Returns the number of events on each interval. Useful for sampling the original data with sample_events at the highest possible resolution that nevertheless flattens overlapping events.





An event table.


Point events are preserved and line events are cut as necessary at the endpoints of other point or line events.


An endpoint-only event table with column "n" listing the number of overlapping events on that interval.

See Also



e <- events(c(0, 10, 15, 25, 30), c(10, 20, 25, 40, 30))

Event Range


Returns the minimum and maximum endpoints of all the events in an event table.





An event table.

See Also

event_coverage for an alternative that accounts for gaps.


event_range(events(1:5))            # no gaps
event_range(events(c(1,5), c(1,5))) # gaps

Event Tables


Creates an event table, a custom data.frame used throughout the linbin package to store and manipulate linearly referenced data. Each row includes an event's endpoints from and to (which can be equal, to describe a point, or non-equal, to describe a line) and the values of any variables measured on that interval.


events(from = numeric(), to = NULL, ...)


from, to

Event endpoints, in any format coercible to single data frame columns. from and to are swapped as needed so that to > or = from on all rows. If from is the only non-empty argument, as_events is dispatched for object coercion.


Additional arguments, either of the form value or tag = value, to be passed directly to data.frame following from and to. Component names are created based on the tag (if present) or the deparsed argument itself.


Event endpoints (and any additional arguments) are coerced to a data frame with data.frame, then coerced to an event table with as_events. A valid event table has two columns named "from" and "to" containing only finite numeric values (i.e., no NA, NaN, or Inf) and ordered such that to > or = from. is_events tests for these requirements. The other columns in the event table can be of any type supported by the data.frame class.


An event table, the data.frame object used by linbin to describe interval data.

See Also


as_events and read_events for coercing objects and files to event tables, is_events to validate event tables.


events(1, 5)
events(c(0, 15, 25), c(10, 30, 35), x = 1, y = c('a', 'b', 'c'))

Fill Event Gaps


fill_event_gaps fills gaps below a maximum length with empty events. collapse_event_gaps shifts event endpoints to close gaps below a maximum length.


fill_event_gaps(e, max.length = Inf)

collapse_event_gaps(e, max.length = Inf)



An event table.


The maximum length of gaps to be filled or closed.

See Also



e <- events(c(1, 4), c(2, 5), x = 1)
fill_event_gaps(e, max.length = 1)
collapse_event_gaps(e, max.length = 1)

Find Intersecting Events


Returns a logical matrix indicating whether or not each pair of events intersect.


find_intersecting_events(ex, ey, equal.points = TRUE, closed = FALSE)


ex, ey

Event tables.


If TRUE, equal-valued points are considered intersecting. This is always TRUE if closed = TRUE.


If TRUE, events are interpreted as closed intervals and events sharing only an endpoint are reported as intersecting.


A logical matrix with ey events as rows and ex events as columns.


ex <- events(c(0, 5, 5, 10))
find_intersecting_events(ex, events(5), equal.points = FALSE) # equal points don't intersect
find_intersecting_events(ex, events(5), equal.points = TRUE)  # equal points do intersect
find_intersecting_events(ex, events(5), closed = TRUE)        # adjacent events intersect
find_intersecting_events(ex, ex)

Fish Movements


A pair of event tables (in a list) documenting the movements of tagged Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Bear Creek (Southwest Alaska, USA) for 29 July - 19 August 2008. Table motion lists individual fish residence time intervals in each of three stream regions, while table origin lists the study-wide residence time of each fish and the stream region in which the fish was first tagged.


Two data frames motion and origin with 1,140 rows and 149 rows of 4 variables, respectively.


  • from, to - start and end times as seconds since 1970-01-01 UTC (POSIXct)

  • - unique identifier for each fish

  • region - stream region (1 = 0 - 930 m, a cold downstream region with abundant and spawning sockeye salmon; 2 = 930 - 1360 m, a cold middle region with few if any sockeye salmon; 3 = > 1360 m, a warm upstream region where sockeye salmon were absent)


Armstrong, J. B., D. E. Schindler, C. P. Ruff, G. T. Brooks, K. E. Bentley, and C. E. Torgersen. 2013. Diel horizontal migration in streams: juvenile fish exploit spatial heterogeneity in thermal and trophic resources. Ecology 94:2066-2075. DOI: doi:10.1890/12-1200.1

Validate Event Table


Tests whether the object meets the basic requirements of an event table, i.e. a data frame containing at least two numeric, finite columns named 'from' and 'to' ordered such that to > or = from on all rows.


is_events(x, verbose = FALSE)



An R object.


Logical value indicating whether to print the reason for test failure.

See Also

events, as_events, and read_events for creating valid event tables.


verbose <- TRUE
is_events(c(1, 3), verbose)
is_events(data.frame(from = 1, t = 3), verbose)
is_events(data.frame(from = 1, from = 1, to = 3), verbose)
is_events(data.frame(from = 1, to = TRUE), verbose)
is_events(data.frame(from = 1, to = NA), verbose)
is_events(data.frame(from = 3, to = 1), verbose)
is_events(data.frame(from = 1, to = 3), verbose)   # TRUE

Dungeness River (NetMap)


NetMap ( output for the entire fluvial network of the Dungeness River (Washington, USA). NetMap employs digital elevation models to generate detailed river networks and compute biophysical variables for spatially continuous hydrologic units throughout the networks.


A data frame with 16,616 rows and 47 variables.


  • CHAN_ID - channel identifier (1 = mainstem, all others are tributaries)

  • OUT_DIST - distance upstream from the river mouth to the downstream end of the unit [km]

  • LENGTH_M - unit length [m]

  • ... - see NetMap's Master Attribute List


Plot Events as Bar Plots


Plots an event table as a grid of bar plots.


  group.col = NULL,
  groups = NULL,
  data.cols = NULL,
  dim = NULL,
  byrow = TRUE,
  main = NULL,
  xlabs = character(),
  ylabs = character(),
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  xticks = NULL,
  yticks = NULL,
  xtick.labels = NULL,
  ytick.labels = NULL,
  plot.grid = FALSE,
  sigfigs = c(3, 3),
  col = NULL,
  border = par("fg"),
  lty = par("lty"),
  lwd = par("lwd"),
  xpd = FALSE,
  mar = c(2.1, 2.75, 1.5, 0.5),
  oma = c(2, 2, 2, 2),



An event table.


Name or index of column defining the event grouping for plotting. If NULL, the events are treated as one group. Group NA is not plotted.


Vector of values from group.col specifying which groups to plot. If NULL, all groups are plotted by order of first appearance in group.col.


Names or indices of columns to plot, given as a list of character or numeric vectors. If multiple columns are specified, their bars are stacked together in one plot. Names are interpreted as regular expressions (regex) matching full column names. If NULL, all columns not named from, to, or group.col are each plotted individually in order of appearance.


The row and column dimensions of the grid. If NULL, the grid is column groups (rows) by event groups (columns) if byrow = TRUE, and event groups (rows) by column groups (columns) if byrow = FALSE.


Plots are added by column group, then bin group. If TRUE, plots are added by rows, rather than columns, to the grid.


Titles for each plot. If NULL, plots are titled by the column names, pasted together with separator " + ". Set main = NA to not title the plots.

xlabs, ylabs

Labels arranged at equal intervals along the bottom and left side of the plot grid. These are drawn in the outer margins of the figure, so oma[1] and oma[2] must be non-zero.

xlim, ylim

Limits for the x and y axes of all plots. If NULL, limits are set to the range of the data and the y limits extended as needed to include 0.

xticks, yticks

The positions of x and y tick marks for all plots. If NULL, only the min and max x and y are ticked (and 0 as needed for y). If axTicks, that function will be used to calculate R default tick mark positions. If NA, no ticks are drawn.

xtick.labels, ytick.labels

The labels for the x and y tick marks, coerced to character vectors and recycled as necessary. If NULL, the positions of the ticks are used as the labels, formatted with sigfigs. If NA, the tick marks are not labeled.


If TRUE, a lined horizontal grid is plotted at the yticks.


The maximum significant figures of the x and y axis labels.


Color(s) for the bars in each plot. If NA, bars are transparent. If NULL, a grey palette is used.


Color(s) for bar borders in each plot. If NA, borders are omitted.


Line type(s) for bar borders in each plot.


Line width(s) for bar borders in each plot.


Logical value or NA. If FALSE, all plotting is clipped to the plot region, if TRUE, all plotting is clipped to the figure region, and if NA, all plotting is clipped to the device region.


Numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) giving the size of the inner margins of each plot in lines of text.


Numeric vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) giving the size of the outer figure margins in lines of text.


Additional arguments passed to plot.


Given a grouping variable for the rows of the event table (e.g., groups of bins of different sizes used in sample_events), and groups of columns to plot, bar plots are drawn in a grid for each combination of event and column groups. In each plot, the specified event table columns are plotted together as stacked bars. Negative and positive values are stacked separately from the y = 0 baseline. Events with NA are not shown, differentiating them from zero-valued events which are drawn as thin black lines. Point events are drawn as thin vertical lines. Overlapping events are drawn as overlapping bars, so it is best to use sample_events with non-overlapping bins to flatten the data before plotting.

See Also

plot_events_single for more control over individual plots, seq_events for generating groups of sequential bins, sample_events to populate groups of bins with event data.


e <- events(from = c(0, 10, 15, 25), to = c(10, 20, 25, 40), length = c(10, 10, 10, 15),
            x = c(1, 2, 1, 1), f = c('a', 'b', 'a', 'a'))
bins <- seq_events(event_coverage(e), c(8, 4, 2, 1))
e.bins <- sample_events(e, bins, list(sum, c('x', 'length')), scaled.cols = 'length')
plot_events(e.bins, group.col = 'group')

Plot Events as Bars


Plots event table columns as vertical bars.


  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  xticks = NULL,
  yticks = NULL,
  xtick.labels = NULL,
  ytick.labels = NULL,
  main = NA,
  xlab = NA,
  ylab = NA,
  plot.grid = FALSE,
  sigfigs = c(3, 3),
  col = grDevices::grey.colors(length(cols)),
  border = par("fg"),
  lty = par("lty"),
  lwd = par("lwd"),
  xpd = FALSE,



An event table.


Names or indices of the event table columns to plot together as stacked bars.

xlim, ylim

Limits for the x and y axes. If NULL, limits are set to the range of the data and the y limits extended as needed to include 0.

xticks, yticks

The values to label on the x and y axes. If NULL, only the min and max x and y are labeled (and 0 as needed for y). If axTicks, the function will be used to generate R default tick marks.

xtick.labels, ytick.labels

Labels for the x and y tick positions.


An overall title for the plot.

xlab, ylab

Titles for the x and y axes.


If TRUE, a lined horizontal grid is plotted at the yticks.


The maximum significant figures to use for the x and y axis labels.


Color(s) for the bars. If NULL, bars are transparent. By default, a grey palette is used.


Color(s) for bar borders. Use border = NA to omit borders.


Line type(s) for bar borders.


Line width(s) for bar borders.


Logical value or NA. If FALSE, all plotting is clipped to the plot region, if TRUE, all plotting is clipped to the figure region, and if NA, all plotting is clipped to the device region.


Additional arguments passed to plot.


The specified event table columns are plotted together as stacked bars. Negative and positive values are stacked separately from the y = 0 baseline. Events with NA are not shown, differentiating them from zero-valued events which are drawn as thin black lines. Point events are drawn as thin vertical lines. Overlapping events are drawn as overlapping bars, so it is best to use sample_events with non-overlapping bins to flatten the data before plotting, then call this function for each bin group (if using multiple bin groups).

See Also



e <- events(from = c(0, 10, 15, 25), to = c(10, 20, 25, 40), length = c(10, 10, 10, 15),
            x = c(1, 2, 1, 1), f = c('a', 'b', 'a', 'a'))
bins <- seq_events(event_coverage(e), c(8, 4, 2, 1))
e.bins <- sample_events(e, bins, list(sum, c('x', 'length')), scaled.cols = 'length')
plot_events_single(e.bins[e.bins$group == 1, ], cols = 'x')

Quinault River Survey


An event table containing the results of a survey of the Quinault River (Washington, USA) in August 2009. Both physical variables and fish counts were collected.


A data frame with 363 rows and 31 variables.


  • from, to - distance upstream from the river mouth [km]

  • altitude - mean elevation above sea level [m]

  • channel.type - channel type (1 = main, 2 = secondary)

  • unit.type - unit type (P = pool, GP = glide-like pool, GR = glide-like riffle, R = riffle)

  • unit.length - unit length [m]

  • mean.width - mean wetted width [m]

  • mean.depth - mean depth [m]

  • max.depth - max depth [m]

  • overhang.cover - channel banks with overhanging vegetation [%]

  • boulder.cover - channel area covered by boulders [%]

  • jams - number of log jams

  • jam.area - total area of log jams [m^2]

  • SACO.10/20/30/50/total - number of Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) sized 10 - 20 cm / 20 - 30 cm / 30 - 50 cm / > 50 cm / total, respectively.

  • ONXX.10/20/30/total - number of trout (Oncorhynchus sp.) sized 10 - 20 cm / 20 - 30 cm / > 30 cm / total, respectively.

  • PRWI - number of Mountain Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni)

  • ONTS - number of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)

  • ONMY - number of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

  • ONKI - number of Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)

  • ONNE - number of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)

  • ONGO - number of Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbushcha)

  • ONKE - number of Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta)

  • CAMA - number of Largescale Sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus)

  • LATR - number of Pacific Lamprey (Lampetra tridentata)


Samuel J. Brenkman (National Park Service, Olympic National Park, Washington, USA), unpublished data.

Read File as Event Table


Reads a file in table format and attempts to coerce it to an event table.


read_events(file, from.col = 1, to.col = 2, sep = "", header = TRUE, ...)



Name, connection, or url of the file to be read as an event table.

from.col, to.col

Names or indices of the columns containing event endpoints. Values are swapped as needed to ensure that to > or = from on all rows.


Character separating values on each line of the file. If sep = "" (the default), the separator is 'white space' (that is, any combination of one or more spaces, tabs, newlines and carriage returns).


Logical value indicating whether the file contains column names as its first line. If FALSE, columns will be named "V" followed by the column number, unless col.names (a vector of optional column names) is provided as an additional argument.


Additional arguments, of the form tag = value, to be passed directly to read.table to control how the file is read.


The file is read into R by calling read.table. Any of its arguments can be set by passing additional tag = value pairs. from.col and to.col are renamed to "from" and "to" as needed. Since these column names must be unique, other columns cannot also be called "from" or "to".

See Also


events and as_events for creating event tables from existing objects.

Sample Events


Computes event table variables over the specified sampling intervals, or "bins".


  scaled.cols = NULL,
  col.names = NULL,
  drop.empty = FALSE



An event table.


An event table specifying the intervals for sampling.


Lists specifying the sampling functions and parameters to be used (see the Details).


Names or indices of the event columns to be rescaled after cutting (see cut_events). Names are interpreted as regular expressions (regex) matching full column names.


Character vector of names for the columns output by the sampling functions. If NULL, the columns are named automatically (see the Details).


If TRUE, bins not intersecting any events are dropped.


Events are cut at bin endpoints, and any scaled.cols columns are rescaled to the length of the resulting event segments. The event segments falling into each bin are passed to the sampling functions to compute the variables for each bin. Bins sample from events they overlap: line events with whom they share more than an endpoint, or point events with equal endpoints (if the bin itself is a point).

Sampling functions are specified in lists with the format list(FUN, data.cols, by = group.cols, ...). The first element in the list is the function to use. It must compute a single value from one or more vectors of the same length. The following unnamed element is a vector specifying the event column names or indices to recursively pass as the first argument of the function. Names are interpreted as regular expressions (regex) matching full column names. Additional unnamed elements are vectors specifying additional event columns to pass as the second, third, ... argument of the function. The first "by" element is a vector of event column names or indices used as grouping variables. Any additional named arguments are passed directly to the function. For example:

list(sum, 1:2, na.rm = TRUE) => sum(events[1], na.rm = TRUE), sum(events[2], na.rm = TRUE) list(sum, 1, 3:4, 5) => sum(events[1], events[3], events[4], events[5]), ... list(sum, c('x', 'y'), by = 3:4) => list(sum, 'x'), list(sum, 'y') grouped into all combinations of columns 3 and 4

Using the latter example above, column names are taken from the first argument (e.g. x, y), and all grouping variables are appended (e.g. x.a, y.a, x.b, y.b), where a and b are the levels of columns 3 and 4. NA is also treated as a factor level. Columns are added left to right in order of the sampling function arguments. Finally, names are made unique by appending sequence numbers to duplicates (using make.unique).


The bins event table with the columns output by the sampling functions appended.

See Also

seq_events to generate sequential bins.


e <- events(from = c(0, 10, 15, 25), to = c(10, 20, 25, 40), length = c(10, 10, 10, 15), 
            x = c(1, 2, 1, 1), f = c('a', 'b', 'a', 'a'))
bins <- rbind(seq_events(event_coverage(e), 4), c(18, 18))
sample_events(e, bins, list(sum, 'length'))
sample_events(e, bins, list(sum, 'length'), scaled.cols = 'length')
sample_events(e, bins, list(sum, 'length', by = 'f'), scaled.cols = 'length')
sample_events(e, bins, list(weighted.mean, 'x', 'length'), scaled.cols = 'length')
sample_events(e, bins, list(paste0, 'f', collapse = "."))

Generate Sequential Events


Generates groups of regularly sequenced events fitted to the specified intervals. Intended for use as bins with sample_events.


seq_events(coverage, length.out = NULL, by = NULL, adaptive = FALSE)



An event table specifying the non-overlapping intervals to which the event sequences will be fitted. Gaps in coverage do not count towards event length. Points in the coverage are currently ignored.


The number of events in each sequence. Event lengths are chosen such that they evenly divide the coverage.


The length of the events in each sequence. Ignored if length.out is defined. When the length does not evenly divide the coverage, a shorter event is appended to the end of the sequence.


If TRUE, events are adjusted locally so that a whole number of events fit within each coverage interval, preserving breaks and gaps.


An endpoint-only event table with an additional group field if the length of length.out or by is > 1.

See Also

event_range, event_coverage, and fill_event_gaps for building a coverage from an existing event table.


e <- events(c(0, 20, 40), c(10, 30, 45))
no.gaps <- event_range(e)
has.gaps <- event_coverage(e)
seq_events(no.gaps, by = 10)                           # unequal length (last is shorter)
seq_events(no.gaps, by = 10, adaptive = TRUE)          # equal length (11.25)
seq_events(no.gaps, length.out = 4)                    # equal length (11.25)
seq_events(has.gaps, length.out = 4, adaptive = FALSE) # equal coverage (11.25), straddling gaps
seq_events(has.gaps, length.out = 4, adaptive = TRUE)  # unequal coverage, fitted to gaps
seq_events(no.gaps, length.out = c(2, 4))              # "group" column added

Simple Event Table


A simple, hypothetical event table.


A data frame with 11 rows and 7 variables.


  • from, to - endpoint positions

  • x, y, z - numeric variables

  • factor - a factor variable

Sorted Events


sort_events sorts events by ascending from, then ascending to. is_unsorted_events tests whether the events are not sorted, without the cost of sorting them.






An event table.


e <- events(c(1, 1, 3, 2), c(2, 1, 4, 3))

Convert event endpoints to dates


Convert event endpoints to dates


to_date(e, origin = as.Date("1970-01-01"))



Event table or atomic vector.


Date object (see as.Date).


t <- as.Date("1970-01-01") + 0:4
e <- events(t)

Convert event endpoints to date-times


Convert event endpoints to date-times


to_datetime(e, tz = "UTC", origin = as.POSIXct("1970-01-01", tz = "UTC"))



Event table or atomic vector.


Time zone (see timezones).


Date-time object (see as.POSIXct).


t <- as.POSIXct("1970-01-01", tz = "UTC") + 0:4
e <- events(t)

Transform Events


Transforms events by scaling, then translating their endpoint positions. That is, the transformed [from, to] = scale * [from, to] + translate.


transform_events(e, scale = 1, translate = 0)



An event table.


Number by which event endpoints should be scaled.


Number by which event endpoints should be translated.


e <- events(c(10, 100), c(100, 1000))
transform_events(e, scale = 2, translate = 1)